Dear user,
under article 13 of the “Codice della Privacy” - law on privacy protection - , IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l. wants to inform you as follows.
Personal data that IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l. will collect at the moment of your registration and afterwards as a consequence to the exploiting of the website will be treated in accordance with the “Decreto Legislativo” 196/2003 – Legislative Decree – and the UE Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) on personal data protection.
The controller of the personal data is the company IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l., registered office Bitonto (Ba), Via delle Fornaci, n.c., Italy, C.F. 04322520729; PEC: [email protected], registered in the Chamber of Commerce of Bari, Italy n. BA-308951.
Personal data that IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l. will collect at the moment of your registration and afterwards as a consequence to the exploiting of the website will be treated in accordance with the “Decreto Legislativo” 196/2003 – Legislative Decree – and the UE Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) on personal data protection.
Your data will be acquired and exclusively used for reasons directly related to the purchasing process and to enhance the user experience in using the website, namely for marketing purposes and for providing users with advertising material.
It is possible to withhold agreement to the treatment of data at any time, even after having expressly given it, by requesting it via e-mail to the e-mail address [email protected].
Refusal to give consent to the acquisition of data will not allow finalizing registration to the website and therefore it will be impossible for the user to exploit the website services.
Your data will be used by IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l. exclusively for purposes connected to the services provided by and through the website, namely for marketing purposes and for providing users with advertising material and may also be provided to determined subjects charged by the Controller in order to provide other instrumental services connected both to services provided by the website and to general internal managing purposes.
In particular, data may be communicated to:
1. People, companies, professional firms, that provide assistance, consultancy or collaborate with IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l. in terms of IT, accounting, administrative, legal, fiscal and financial matters;
2. Subjects that are delegates or charged by IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l. to provide services connected to shipment, logistics and packaging;
3. employees and/or companies charged by IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l. to manage after-sales services;
4. carriers in charge of the shipment of the purchased products;
5. to Public Administration for the performance of the administrative tasks within the limits defined by the rule of law;
6. to IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l. suppliers, only if strictly necessary in order to allow the customer to obtain possible substitution of purchased products or use of the right to withdraw;
The company has named the Sole Administrator of IDROMECCANICA ITALIANA s.r.l., as Controller charged of data protection. User data are not subject to diffusion.
Your data will be acquired, treated and saved on electronic support through automated and non-automated operations that will grant confidentiality and protection in case of unauthorized access. To this end, the Controller grants to having adopted security measures capable of assuring integrity of data and protecting the environment and the establishment where data is kept on electronic supports.
Under article 7 of the “Codice della Privacy” - law on privacy protection – users can demand at any time to the Controller, a confirmation about the existence, the updating, the rectification or the cancellation of their personal data in the database and the purposes for which data is used, by requesting it via e-mail to the e-mail address [email protected].
Your data will be treated for the time necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which data was gathered in pursuance of the duties of civil law, fiscal law, tax law provided for by current regulations, so that at the end of this period of time, data will be deleted, shredded and destroyed from the informatic system and will no longer be available.
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